I researched Events, Level Affordance, and video game Landmarks to create my initial sketches. As well as gather reference material.
The Office acts as the tutorial level where the player is first introduced to our game mechanics and events system.
The Frankfurter Experiments is the last level of Unemployed and being so meant I needed to make sure this is where the player felt the most challenged, whether it be through parkour, or problem-solving.
During the pre-prod phase, we created an Asana board, where we wrote down each task that needed to be done in order to realize the goals we set for ourselves. This also helped me keep track of my progress and made it easier to cut content when needed.

Quick Overview
This level serves as a tutorial level.
Upon starting the player will be greeted by a Secretary. She thinks you're the new intern and informs you that there are 3 people in need of your help in the office.

The TP event
The player needs to find toilet paper
Either you give the TP to help the manager or give him sandpaper to annoy him.
The Chili Event
The Slides Event
The player needs to find the "presentation slides" that were left in the breakroom or you can go to the printer and print funny images to ruin his presentation.
A man located at the staircase needs your help to bring his huge chili pot to the breakroom the catch is you need to balance it while walking.
You either bring it to the break room without spilling on the floor by crashing into somebody else or you spill it and ruin everyone's lunch.

The Overgrown Temple
Project information
Over the span of 4 days I had to create a stylized environment based on a single reference picture.
The main challenges were creating my own Cell-shader Material, and making an Auto-Generated Landscape Material to save time.

Ability to create Cell-Shaders and Auto Generated Landscape Materials.
Better understanding of the UE Material Graph.
Better Time Management.

An In-depth Look of My Project
The Overgrown temple was my first attempt at a stylized environment. Being constrained to 4 days meant that I had to be quick and decisive and cut certain initial ideas.
Pre-production & Level Design Research
Before starting anything I had to learn how to make a Cell-Shader and find color pallets that fit well together.

Sketches & Terrain Sculpting
Since the landscape acts as scenery and is never actually stepped on, I could save a large amount of time by having a landscape material that is auto-generated and not have to fix any issues.

Set Dressing
The walls & floors are made out of geometry brushes acting initialy as my blockout and letting me easily iterate. Once my Temple's general shape was done I created my landscape. Considering my player never actually steps on it, I could just add a noise map, smooth the edges and I was done. After that it was just a matter of adding bits of foliage and props inside of the actual temple.